Diablo Combination Saw Blades


SKU / Product InfoQuantity
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10", Miter / Table Saw, 50 ATB, 5/8" Arbor, .098 Kerf, 15ΒΊ Hook Angle

Quick Overview

    Ideal for ripping and crosscutting wood & wood composites with the goal of a smooth finish.
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The best choice for a table saw when one blade is needed for ripping and crosscutting. Each set of 5 teeth is separated by a large gullet. This large gullet provides the chip removal space required while ripping and the close grouping of teeth within the set provide the smaller bite size required when crosscutting.

Additional Information

Manufacturer: Freud
For More Information on the Diablo Combination Saw Blades, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site

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