Sinco™ Pour-In-Place Net

DBI Sala

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8 x 50 ft. (2.4 x 15.4 m) pour-in-place personnel net system, custom fit on-site for unprotected floor openings.
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8 x 100 ft. (2.4 x 30.5 m) pour-in-place personnel net system, custom fit on-site for unprotected floor openings.

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    Most construction sites including high-rise structures contain small floor openings such as stairwells or elevator shafts that create fall hazards for workers. A common way to abate the hazard is to cover the openings with planking or plywood which is often improperly fastened or secured creating a false sense of security. Our Pour-In-Place netting system is the solution, providing safe and secure fall protection as well as debris retention for personnel working on the protected floors. The Pour-In-Place netting is sized on-site by the user for a custom fit. It is then easily attached to reinforcing steel using cable ties or tie wires prior to pouring the floor. For greater work site versatility, the system can be positioned over or under opening form work. The netting can also be partially removed for penetrations as the job site changes for added flexibility. Removal is just as fast, simply cut the netting down using a scissors or blade.

    Additional Information

    Manufacturer: DBI Sala
    For More Information on the Sinco™ Pour-In-Place Net, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site

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