Sinco™ Floor-To-Ceiling Debris Net

DBI Sala

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9-1/2 x 30 ft. (2.9 x 9.1 m) floor-to-ceiling debris net system, 3-layer netting with snap hooks.

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    During the construction of high rise structures, substantial debris is created on the floors of the building. Standard vertical screens or vertical barriers typically are 42” tall and moderately effective. Debris is often knocked or blown over the top of these barriers creating a hazard to workers, public and the surrounding properties below. The “Floor to Ceiling” containment panels provide complete containment of project debris as well as workers. Multiple floors are often protected while work is progressing prior to clean up. Once clean-up is complete the netting is rotated upward ahead of the cladding or glazing operations as the structure progresses upward. Additionally, the fi ne mesh panels help reduce wind speeds on the floor and the associated hazards to workers. The custom fabricated panels are easily installed to a top and bottom cable and are reusable throughout the life of the project. The net system has a 3-layer construction and it exceeds the strength requirements for a guardrail systems. In addition, this system meets the requirements as specified by NFPA 701 for fire retardants, is UV stabilized and has a high chemical resistance for added safety.

    Additional Information

    Manufacturer: DBI Sala
    For More Information on the Sinco™ Floor-To-Ceiling Debris Net, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site

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